We have the generator services you need to keep power on in your home during any outage.
Throughout the year, lightning, wind, and snowstorms disrupt everyday life by causing major power outages for hours or even days! From simple food spoiling and lighting issues to more crucial health and safety issues, you need power to make sure life
goes on as normal.

Why every home should have a backup generator: with our range of whole house standby generators and services
- 3.5 million people experience a power outage each week.
- You can lose over $200 in food due to spoilage from powerless freezers and refrigerators.
- Basement flooding due to unpowered sump pumps can cost over $20,000 in repair and replacement costs.
- It can cost over $150 a night to stay at a hotel for you and your family.
Don't let a power outage disrupt your life again. Leffler Energy has the whole house standby generator services to ensure that your power stays on the next time power goes out:
- Expert advice in choosing the best generator option for your home and particular needs
- Whole house generator options with automatic transfer switches -- propane and gas powered
- Professional installation and service
- Attractive financing available for qualified customers*
- 24/7 service and support you need through storms, rain, hail, sleet, or snow

Whole house, standby generator service plans.
It's a terrible feeling to notice after a storm that your generator isn't working properly. It pays to plan ahead and schedule a generator tune-up so that your generator starts up when your power goes off.
Visit our generator service plans page
Call 877.827.9317today to learn more about our generator options and service plans! Remember, generators sell out fast when storms hit, so be prepared and get yours from us now!
Why you need a backup generator.

Losing power can have much bigger consequences than the frustrations of not being able to charge your cellphone or tablet for a few hours. If you lose power for days or weeks, property damage and even health issues have the potential to become big problems
- fast! These are just a few important reasons why every homeowner needs a backup generator. But before you purchase yours, consider the following questions, answers and facts.
Questions to ask before purchasing a backup generator.
- Do you live in an area that is prone to lots of storms throughout the year? - Severe storms are becoming more frequent and more powerful, developing more rapidly than before. If hurricanes, tornadoes, severe thunderstorms, or snow
or ice storms occur regularly throughout the year where you live, then it is recommended to purchase a backup generator for your home. This will help prevent food spoilage and keep your heating or AC system and hot water tank operating normally.
- What appliances or devices do you need to keep up and running? - Do you work from home and need to keep your office up and running? Does someone in your household sleep with a CPAP machine? Do you have a hot tub that could freeze
over if deprived of power? Are there any older people in your home who use a stair lift? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, these are just a few instances that demonstrate how reliant you are on maintaining a constant stream of power.
Don't wait for an emergency to happen; install a backup generator!
- Do you live in a larger home? - Large homes are a lot more prone to experiencing burst water pipes during winter storm-related power outages. As the house cools down, the water in the pipes attached to it starts to freeze and expand.
This causes the pipes to rupture, potentially causing thousands of dollars worth of damage. The only safe, practical way to protect a large home from burst pipes is to restore power - and heat - to the home with a whole house generator.
What generator is best for you?
When purchasing your generator, it's vital to get the right one for you and your home. You have two options:
- Portable generators - These may cost less but do have limitations. You can expect to go through about 5 gallons of gasoline every 8 hours, usually can power only a few appliances and are not safe for indoor use.
- Standby or whole-house generators - These may cost more upfront but can be used safely and reliably in any weather. They can also power your home's heating and cooling systems, along with other major appliances, have a lifespan of
over 15 years and switch on automatically as soon as power goes off. If you live in a storm-prone area, a whole-house generator is a smart investment.
Other important factors to consider before purchasing your generator.
It is always best to get a consultation from the company that you're purchasing the generator from. This will help determine your specific needs and ultimately get you the best solution for your home. Some important points to clarify when you have your
consultation are:
- How many appliances you will want to run in the event of a power outage
- Determine the location of your whole-house or standby generator
- The type of fuel you want to use to run your generator - natural gas, diesel, or liquefied petroleum.
Now you know why you need a backup generator. Get yours today!
A backup generator helps prevent food spoilage, house fires, CO2 poisoning, and uncomfortable cold or heat. It can also help protect your property and appliances from potentially costly damages. Start planning your generator consultation and give us a
call today.